Join Our Team - Volunteer Opportunities

Behind every successful team is a dedicated group of volunteers working behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly. Each team must have both a Team Manager and a Team Scheduler to ensure effective communication, organization, and logistics. These key roles help coordinate schedules, manage team communications, and support coaches and families, creating a seamless experience for our players. Your involvement makes a huge impact, and we appreciate all who step up to help!

Learn more about these roles and how you can contribute to your child's team’s success.

Team Manager

Team Manager Icon

Team Scheduler

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Team Manager Job Overview

Each team must have a Team Manager, a vital role that helps keep everything organized and running smoothly. Many leagues, such as NorCal, require a designated parent manager for each team.

To make the role more manageable, responsibilities are streamlined to focus on key tasks, including:

  • Training before season and support throughout
  • Game Day Organization & Management
  • Attending Manager & Club Meetings
  • Team & Club Communication
  • Assisting the Coach in Tournament Coordination
  • Understanding General League & Competition Rules

Team Scheduler Job Overview

Each team must have a game scheduler, typically a parent volunteer, though some coaches may handle scheduling themselves. The primary workload occurs before the season, with occasional rescheduling needed due to conflicts or weather.

  • Training before season and support throughout the season.
  • Pre-Season Scheduling: Most effort is required before the season starts, with occasional rescheduling needed throughout.
  • Communication: Coordinate with the coach and other team schedulers to ensure smooth game scheduling.
  • External Factors: Be aware of external factors that may affect scheduling, such as weather or league rules.
  • Tools & Resources: Use provided tools and guides to navigate the scheduling process and improve efficiency.

We appreciate your time and effort in considering to make your child's team a season of success!